Sri Aurobindo
The Mother
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Notes on the Way
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7 October 1964
The material difficulties are aggravated
One must have endurance
Pessimism of the material consciousness
Matter to be transformed, not annulled
Call of the cells
Cells: a will to keep together
Power of rejection in the cells
Inertia not a quality essential to Matter
Mental constructions block receptivity
No need of formula of a Divine
12 January 1965
Bombardment by adverse forces
“No right to exteriorise myself”
Body must change from within
24 March 1965
Experiencing origin of inspirations and movements
Teach body to remain immobile
Aspiration and acceptance of supreme will in the cells
Cells experiencing transition
Physical yoga
21 August 1965
Transfer of power
Organisation of material mind
New way of perceiving
Organisation of material mind
Physical mind and material, cellular mind
Critical period during transfer of power
27 November 1965
Pulling at the Supramental
The vital and the Truth
Vision of humanity and the new creation
Effort of transformation reduced to small number
Humanity under the supramental influence
Period of transition painful
Impatience to “prepare” humanity has disappeared
Superior humanity with a human harmony
No stress for premature transformation
Sex, food and beings of transition
Body not ready to exist without food
Each one is what he must be
22 January 1966
Experience of life as expression of choice
Unreality of necessity and fatality
Illusion of life
Power to change circumstances
Transition to conscious functioning of the body
Habits of thousands of years to be changed
Acting on difficulties of the world
18 May 1966
LSD experiences
Subjectivity of vital images
Man’s relation with other worlds and beings
Man: potential master of all states
Man and the gods
The Supreme is the one reality
28 September 1966
Suffering pulls Matter out of inertia
Intensifying aspiration of the cells
Divine compassion
True use of thought
Suffering, progress and transforming action
The content of Ananda
30 September 1966
References to physical transformation: a letter Sri Aurobindo
Passage from man to new physical being
Transformation not isolated from the world
Safety of the new beings
Spontaneous immortality not possible for present
11 January 1967
Without ego, feeling of insult impossible
Physical reaction to injury
Ego as an impersonal entity
Mother and the actions of others
The Lord laughs
21 January 1967
The cells are becoming conscious
Perception of true Matter
Replacing the physical ego
The body no longer resists
4 March 1967
Approaches to transformation
7 March 1967
After death: contact with physical life
24 May 1967
Defining the Divine
Defining God
24 June 1967
Transition to a body moved by divine Presence and Consciousness
Transformation of man, or a new being?
Intermediary beings
Weight of habits, pessimism, earth atmosphere
Battle fought in the body
Material contagion
26 August 1967
The “good” and the True, the Truth
Realisation of the supreme vision in the mixed material world
Man’s vision is incomplete
Progressive manifestation
Suffering: progress in the presence of Inconscience
Progress in joy and harmony
30 August 1967
Experience in a place where material life gets re-organised
Translation and memory of subtle experiences
Madness and insincerity
Changing matter
The condition for transformation
15 November 1967
Matter as it is and divine existence
Inconscient must become conscious in divine way
Too rapid manifestation would dissolve earth
This instrument made to realise, not reveal
No stopping to tell the story
New Christs, Kalkis, Supermen
Aspiration in central consciousness of body
Cells feeling of living in eternity
The obscure work
22 November 1967
Prayer of the cells of the body
Now the body wants to participate
What is done in a single body can be done in all bodies
Awakening consciousness in the cells
A bodily consciousness independent of the vital and mental
Physical (material) mind converted
Mind and vital withdrawn
Body to become base for divine life
Change in consciousness of body far from manifesting externally
Material cells must receive and manifest consciousness
Stages in transformation
Superhuman being may pass unperceived
Artists and musicians: independent body consciousness
It is the body that aspires
Body rebuilt as a conscious being
Body has direct contact without any intermediary
Capacity to pass experience on to other bodies
Conversations among the cells
29 November 1967
Feeling of being a different person at each Darshan
Single consciousness can manifest in two bodies
Many beings, forces, personalities manifest through this body
Darshan of the 24th November
30 December 1967
Governance of body: intelligence replaced by spiritual consciousness
Laws of nature have lost their despotism
13 March 1968
Only That exists
In the material consciousness knowledge brings power
The “why” of suffering and evil
The person
16 March 1968
Creation of equilibrium
Fusion of opposites
Realisation for which universe created
Frailty of and eternity of the form
22 August 1968
Seeing people
28 August 1968
Onrush of a new creation
Visions of the future world
Questions by the body about Matter
Cells want contact with the true being
Penetration of supramental forces into the body
Mental and vital: passing instruments for grinding Matter
Perception of soul states
Most wonderful hours that one can have on earth
Vision of temples with living deities
Body experiences all states of consciousness
25 September 1968
Self-deception in good faith
Psychic cannot deceive, but lacks mental precision
Each acts according to his own limited consciousness
Problem of identification with the Supreme
Supramental being essentially different
Direct contact of psychic being with substance of the body
Valuation of vibrations
Mental precision, vital intensity and the Supramental
23 November 1968
Everything pervaded by divine presence
No new religions
“I have lived all the horrors of creation”
Changing the physical fact
Concentrating the Presence when seeing people
Notion of “descent”
There is nothing but the Lord
27 November 1968
The body’s knowledge through consciousness
Surrender of the body
What has caused separation?
Suffering and Ananda
21 December 1968
Mind and vital eliminated
The body left to itself
Rapid reversal of consciousness in the body
Can one body be transformed alone?
Time needed for collective change
Possibility of sudden change
Fragility simultaneous with feeling of eternity
Wonderful moments, hours of suffering
1 January 1969
Superman consciousness
4 January 1969
Superman consciousness: smiling, benevolent
8 January 1969
Superman consciousness identified
18 January 1969
Superman consciousness: a mentor and protecting power
15 February 1969
Superman consciousness: a mentor of the body
Superman consciousness: no half measures
22 February 1969
The immobility of the Inconscient
17 May 1969
Individuality and separation
Body experiences all states of consciousness
Next step of creation: return to the True Consciousness
State of being automatically one with Supreme Consciousness
24 May 1969
Body knows that death is no escape
The “why” of suffering
Perfect acceptance
28 May 1969
Only solution: direct contact of the physical with the Supreme
The body has taken its stand
31 May 1969
Confusion in the world
Body experiencing the misery of the world
Misery of the world: beyond the Buddhist solution
Earth is in this unreal Falsehood
Hell: an image of this state of consciousness
Escape worth nothing: solution here
Falsehood concentrated on earth
Experience of the unreality of life
Glorious body
4 June 1969
Glorious body
16 August 1969
The confusion is there to teach us
The exact indication of what to do
1 October 1969
Constancy of the physical
18 October 1969
Body too used to obeying mind
“My mind has been sent away”
Body’s passivity needed to receive the force
Conscious immobility
Inertia and creation
Immobility with an intense aspiration
The supramental vibration
Understanding the why and how of creation
Consciousness of immortality in the body
19 November 1969
The why and how of creation
Unity and opposites
Separation and evolution
A clear vision: everything has its place
Time and equilibrium
Unity = power and rest combined
The individual centre of perception
The supramental consciousness
Supramental consciousness: must change appearances gradually
Grace acts so all may go as quickly as possible
Supramental consciousness: Truth imposes itself without pressure
Supramental consciousness: perception of perfection at each instant
Body’s experience of supramental consciousness
10 December 1969
Condition depends upon state of consciousness
Man must perfect himself without waiting for others
13 December 1969
Aphorisms of Sri Aurobindo
Idea of good and bad prevents offering
Writing letters dictated by the Consciousness
Ego must disappear
Humanity clings in order to climb
27 December 1969
Everything comes to make you go forward
Physical experience uncertain source of knowledge
Non-intervention in the work of the Lord
Condition changes with attitude of consciousness
Presence of death and immortality
Body must be prepared to bear impact of experience
31 January 1970
everything has been decided
Remnants of Falsehood cause of all ailing
Consciousness of totality and smallest detail
Body’s experience of death without dying
Change-over of authority in body and in nations
Individuals more sensitive as time of transition approaches
14 March 1970
Sri Aurobindo’s Aphorisms
Mental construction makes you by-pass the truth
The Action of the new consciousness
The body has truly changed
Change-over of authority: transition sometimes painful
Physical determinism no longer inevitable
Sri Aurobindo’s work in subtle physical
Change is done; details to be worked out
Victory of the superman consciousness
Battle in this body
20 May 1970
Mind is the greatest difficulty
27 June 1970
Mental expression of experience inadequate
Change of attitude changes suffering to bliss
Explanation of experience inadequate
1 July 1970
Psychic being will materialise as supramental being
Only what is not in accordance with Truth will be abolished
5 August 1970
The Consciousness working for sincerity
Body wants to go to school
Relations with others
Body without sense of personal limitation
New organisation of the body
11 January 1971
Physical sight and hearing replaced by identification by consciousness
16 January 1971
Experience during paralysis of leg
“I have changed very much”
Something in physical world not yet opened to the divine vibration
Matter being prepared to receive
3 March 1971
New way of seeing and hearing
Struggle against people who come here to be comfortable
1 May 1971
World in turmoil: one must rise above
Find the Divine in the world as it is
22 May 1971
Possibility of success
To be a limpid transmitter
Catastrophe or true victory
Pessimism is the demon’s weapon
Decisive victory over adverse forces
9 June 1971
Onrush of Falsehood
Body knows it exists only through the Divine
Time of ego has passed
17 July 1971
If the Supreme destroyed Falsehood, there would be no world any more
Vanity, deception
Cling to the Divine
Body knows what is going to happen
Universalisation of the body
21 July 1971
“I am beginning to know what is going to happen”
Human consciousness deforms divine Action
Passage from this life to that Life
28 August 1971
Ways of seeing the world
Nestle in the Divine
A dream veiling a Reality
1 September 1971
To exist only through the Divine
The converted physical will be solid
To create a physical capable of bearing the power
Appearance will be the last to change
What refuses to receive must fall away
29 September 1971
Illness is a falsehood
16 October 1971
Body’s condition depends on how it is linked to the Divine
Become conscious that all is divine
30 October 1971
A consciousness at the same time individual and global
Consciousness clear; can the body follow?
17 November 1971
Consciousness no longer a point but in all things
18 December 1971
Physical (body-) mind is being converted
“I have become another person”
The psychic and the transition
Body has given itself entirely
New way of seeing and hearing
Surrender and trust
One may live, die or live eternally
22 December 1971
Physical (body-) mind and the Supramental
Introduce faith into the subconscient
25 December 1971
We create difficulties
Things change physically according to attitude
Everything is a phenomenon of consciousness
The Divine Consciousness
Goal of creation
9 February 1972
Unified and un-unified consciousness
26 February 1972
The physical (body-) mind
Enveloped by the Divine
8 March 1972
A pressure for progress
The egoism of Matter
Body never stable unless linked truly to the Divine
Take the right attitude and the thing is done
Resistance of the subconscient
24 March 1972
“I had a body altogether new”
25 March 1972
Mother’s new body
2 April 1972
“We are here to prepare the way for the new creation”
“I am not old”
“Tell your ego: ‘your hour is gone.’ ”
12 April 1972
Human stupidity
Resistance of the subconscient
To be conscious of the Divine surpasses everything
To be a child sitting upon the mind and playing
6 May 1972
What is good is getting better; what is bad is getting worse
Values have intensified
Whole creation must want nothing but the Divine
Power of the Supramental
Truly a new world
The reign of ego must be ended
Descent of the supramental world
30 August 1972
Consciousness replacing thought
The true attitude and the imbecility of matter
“What Thou willest”—only refuge
25 October 1972
Subconscient contradictions rising up
To forget the Divine momentarily spells catastrophe
The Divine must do the battling
An image for fixing one’s attention
4 November 1972
The beatitude ready for us
Nestle within the Divine
8 November 1972
The supramental consciousness
Activity in perfect peace
20 December 1972
Sri Aurobindo
30 December 1972
Two extremes at the same time
The body has one prayer
7 February 1973
Only one solution for Falsehood
10 March 1973
“What Thou willest”
Note on the Text