[The disciple wrote to the Mother about rumours being spread against him.]
My dear child,
For the last months you have been fast progressing spiritually, and I would like you to take all these attacks as an outward expression of the usual tests that the adverse forces make to fortify and intensify the sadhana. It is teaching you to have an absolute faith and confidence in the Divine Grace, because when they will be complete and perfect, all sorrow and all anxiety will depart from you.
I can read in your heart and see in your mind—the attitude, gossips and suggestions from anybody can have no effect on my decisions. My only Guide is the Lord, and my only aim is the Truth.
With love and blessings.
25 December 1961
[The disciple wrote about accusations against him, including the charge that he was misusing money.]
The stupidity of these accusations is so evident that nobody dared to repeat them to me. I have read them in your letter here for the first time.
378Especially what concerns money is so contrary to your very nature that it is difficult to imagine how people can have invented that. But evidently there is no limit to human crookedness.
Well, the only thing to do is to forget all that completely and to keep alive in you the faith that the Divine is bound to discriminate between Truth and falsehood.
With my love and blessings I give you the assurance that I am aware of the sincerity of your service.
Early 1962
My dear child,
I have read your good letter. The experience you had is just the one I wanted for you, and it came in the way I expected. Keep it, and let it grow steadily, so that it remains with you for ever.
As for the recent happenings, fear nothing. The Divine Love is the essence of Truth and cannot be affected by the human confusions.
Clouds come and clouds go but the Sun of Truth never stops shining.
With love and blessings.
7 June 1962
[The disciple described a recent experience, referring to himself in the third person.]
One more illusion was broken. He realised how often persons for whom he had exerted himself and even served, had time and again worked against him. With poignant feeling he saw how men whom he had befriended in their trials and stood by in their hour of need, had quietly let him down at the very first test. He was completely at sea and did not know how to proceed—there seemed to be nothing to stand upon. 379Suddenly, with a sense of finality, there came these formed lines:
“Nobody is for anybody. Only the Divine will be for you if you are for the Divine.”
In a flash a whole pathway was lighted for him and the strength given to tread it.
Are they not words of our Mother?
These words are exactly the message I sent you yesterday evening after I felt you had received my card, as an explanation of what was written. Put your trust in the Divine alone. The Divine will never fail you.
With love and blessings.
31 July 1962
[The disciple withdrew from a certain work—the shifting of two persons to new quarters—but did not inform the Mother. Later, when she enquired, he explained the reasons for his decision and asked her forgiveness for not consulting her.]
My dear child,
When love is there, the need for forgiveness does not exist. There is a complete understanding. I wrote for the sake of the work, and also because there is a way of making things more easy. And I am ready to help you for that.
First I must warn you: never believe what people say when they report what other people have said—it is always false; most often the words are not correct at all, but even if the words may happen to be exact, the spirit is always distorted.
Second, about the moving of people from one place to another, if you speak to the person concerned about the change before any final decision is taken, and let me know any objection 380that he or she may have raised, many difficulties can be easily solved and the bad feelings avoided.
With love and blessings.
11 December 1962
Sweet Mother,
… I have mentioned these rumours about me by way of information. By Thy grace I am not depressed over these attacks any more. Each time I hear something, I remember Thy love and get on with quiet determination.
I have a feeling that whatever the outer circumstances, ultimately it is Thy Force that will shape things. Already I see the beginnings of a new upward curve and I dedicate myself afresh to Thy service.
Yes, you must keep confident and quiet because of this confidence. We must endure—at the end of the ordeal there is the Victory.
With love and blessings.
6 January 1963
When sadhaks will understand that I know better than themselves what is good for them, most of their difficulties will vanish.
30 March 1963
Sweet Mother,
I have been intrigued to read from the testimony of one or two saints that some Siddha-Purushas (realised beings) who have passed away, choose to roam about on this earth in the form of tigers and other creatures such as serpents. Could it really be so? And what is the purpose in assuming this sub-human form?
It is quite possible—but as I have no personal experience of such thing, I can say nothing about it.
17 May 1963
Sweet Mother,
I have got into a bad state for some days past. This morning the habit of reading wrongly and typing wrongly is very strong.
This happens when, in the consciousness, the “instrument” is allowed to become more important than the work.
It will go soon.
With blessings.
24 May 1963
Sweet Mother,
When I presented certain publication difficulties a few months ago, the Mother wrote to me that small books like Bases of Yoga and Lights on Yoga could be brought out in cheap editions by outside publishers. Accordingly I got into touch with Calcutta Pathmandir and they arranged to bring out Bases of Yoga. Three thousand copies are being published. Paper has been already purchased. Proofs of half the book have been passed. The contract with the press is under execution.
Now it appears that there is an idea of cancelling the whole project. But it is too late as far as Bases is concerned, in view of the progress already made. Mother may kindly consider.
I am very sorry, but it has all been a misunderstanding. Because Sri Aurobindo does not want any book of His to appear in a 382cheap form—His books are not for the public at large and can and must be read only by the selected few.
He has always said so, I have always said so and cannot change now. I am ready to pay the incurred expenses rather than let a cheap edition come out.
May 1963
Sweet Mother,
I had a very unpleasant dream last night. Mother was coming to give Darshan on the Balcony. Large crowds were gathering. And when She appeared, ill-willed people emerged as if from hidden places and started jumping up and down to create a disturbance. There was even a group in military formation and dress, standing just below Mother, pointing their weapons at her. But the Darshan went off as scheduled and Mother gave Darshan without taking any note of these happenings.
There was something evil about the dream and it sticks.
There is an evident opposition in the world against the Divine Transformation, but these forces cannot harm those who have a sincere faith.
Now that you have reported the dream, do not think of it any more and its effect will vanish.
Love and blessings.
28 July 1963
Sweet Mother,
Of late I am having a peculiar dream frequently. Endless thread-like things come out of my mouth. I pull 383them out only to find more ready to come out. I feel relieved only when the last ones are pulled out and thrown away. Does this indicate something being ejected from my system by the workings of Thy Force? Or does it call for any special effort on my part in any direction?
It looks like a working of the Force and the only thing needed is a collaborating consent from you.
15 September 1963
[The disciple wrote about several unfortunate incidents. His letter ends:]
It is for mercy and grace that one must ask, not for power and justice, because if Kali manifested what and who would remain standing!…
Love and blessings.
8 October 1963
Sweet Mother,
In spite of my sustained effort to have good feeling for others and be a force for harmony in Mother’s creation, certain things happen that hit me with a devastating blow. For example, X recently said about me: “You do not know him; only Mother and I know what he is. What things go on underneath in his departments, how he tortures people, you do not know”, etc.
Now, my question is simple. Under these circumstances, what should be my attitude? I have been taking 384a series of steps to lessen the tension and create harmony between X and me all these days. Should I suspend it and cut off relations completely? Or should I persist and go on, in spite of the knowledge of what he is saying about me?
My dear child,
I am truly sorry for the state of confusion of the place. It appears to me like a chaos.
I know very well your efforts and attempts to create a harmony. I am behind them to help—you know that. I am quite aware also of where things get twisted and crooked. But there is only one way to conquer—it is to persist in the right attitude obstinately, in spite of everything, ignoring all the contradictions and oppositions.
In full consciousness of the Truth, we do what has to be done, always the right thing in the right way, without caring for the effect on others, the answers of others and the consequences. The eyes fixed on the Truth, we will advance and conquer.
With love and blessings.
16 October 1963
Sweet Mother,
I am again in a mess and can’t get out of it. From head to toe there is chaos within. There is an oppressive dryness and restlessness. The mind refuses to work. I feel miserable about the consequent wastage of time. Pray do something.
It is a general attack all round.
Try to keep as quiet and calm as possible and… let it pass away!
With love and blessings.
31 October 1963
385Sweet Mother,
Last night, in dream, heapfuls of tape-like stuff were ejected from my mouth. The feeling was one of relief (and repulsion). This has happened many times recently. Any meaning?
It might be the symbol of old attachments. It is good that they go.
29 January 1964
Greed for fame.
February 1964
Sweet Mother,
I feel exhausted. Having to meet so many persons leaves me sucked out. I could not sleep last night. The others working in my office are also showing signs of exhaustion. Pray sustain us.
The force is there to help you. Do not think of yourselves, but only of the Divine.
2 March 1964
Sweet Mother,
When they speak of a heart-attack or stroke, is there really an attack or stroke from outside by the hostile 386forces, or is it a failure or wrong functioning of the system?
Each case is different. It is often a blow from outside, more often a failure in the material body.
Sometimes both together and then it is fatal.
June 1964
Sweet Mother,
What could be the explanation of the following kind of phenomena?
1) A child is dressed up nicely and sent on a promenade. Someone looks at him and says, “How beautiful!” The same night the child develops fever. But if, when the child returns home, a small ritual is done, such as waving a pinch of salt thrice before the child, things are all right.
2) Food is being cooked. Just at the moment of adding some fragrant leaves, somebody passes by; as a result the preparation does not give off any fragrance at all. Or things are made ready; the dough, etc., are seasoned; then someone comes and looks at it; subsequently everything turns out dismal.
In such cases, is it some evil spirits that act through the human intermediary, or is the person himself the origin of the mischief?
It can be anything and in fact is in different cases very different things, from simply a wrong mental formation to the action of an adverse force, entity or being, through all the scale of human bad will.
September 1964
Sweet Mother,
I have received a question. In the Tantric system, 387the lower consciousness rises to meet and join the Higher Consciousness through the six centres or knots which are broken in the course of the ascent. Are the knots broken in our yoga also? Or are they loosened and resolved? If so, what is the process?
It looks as if it were only a question of words. What is meant exactly by broken? broken to pieces? Not likely. They (the centres) may break open to let the force pass upward—this is more probable.
But for each one the experience is different, and to try to make a rule by which all experience has to proceed, is childish mental nonsense.
The Spirit is free and will always be free in its workings.
3 October 1964
Sweet Mother,
Last August Y met me and asked whether it is permissible for disciples of Sri Aurobindo and Mother to do worship of other gods and goddesses at their Centres. He said that a lot of confusion has been caused by those who have been writing and preaching that the Supramental Yoga can be done and its goal reached through the deities to whom people are accustomed. The old Puranas, the Tulsi Ramayana, etc. are being expounded with a view to promote the ideal of Sri Aurobindo and Mother. Their view is that Sri Krishna, Rama, Sita—all can give the truth of the Supramental.
Here is the letter from Y asking me to seek guidance from Mother.
Those who still believe in gods can certainly continue to worship them if they feel like it—but they must know that this creed and this worship have nothing to do with the teaching of 388Sri Aurobindo and no connection whatsoever with the Supramental Realisation.
October 1964
[The disciple wrote of a devotee who was willing to lend money to the Ashram at a high rate of interest.]
I am quite against borrowing money even at a reasonable rate of interest—this one is quite exorbitant and illegal,—this is completely out of the question.
Those who believe in the yoga of Sri Aurobindo must understand that money is not meant to bring money but to help the earth to prepare for the advent of the new creation.
With blessings.
23 December 1964
[The disciple, in collaboration with others, submitted a proposal for the publication of Sri Aurobindo’s works. Its intention was to increase the sales of books by offering them to the public at a low price. Initially, six 80-page pocket-size books would be produced, and sold at a cost of one rupee each. On the proposal’s cover letter the Mother wrote:]
The plan is good but not for Sri Aurobindo’s work upon earth.
[At the end of the proposal, the Mother wrote:]
This is a very well mentally planned project. But I must remind you that Sri Aurobindo has warned us that his writings were not for the public at large and must not be treated like such.
389So it is wiser to drop the idea.
21 June 1965
Mother close to my heart,
For the last few days my past has begun to come before my eyes in a vibrant manner. I see how I was wrong, how I was unfair and how I have wronged others. My gratitude to Mother increases a thousandfold when I see how she has upheld me in spite of all my defects.
Let my identity dissolve and let me become a drop in Thy Ocean.
All that is hard or obscure is bound to dissolve in the Eternal Love…
[The disciple asked whether two relatives who did not get along well should live together in the same house.]
The psychological difficulties may be taken as an excellent opportunity for practising equanimity.
With love and blessings.
Sweet Mother,
I have just heard that though the Grace flows from all the limbs of the Guru (such as the eyes and hands), what emanates through the feet is the most dynamic and full of compassion. That is why, it is said, the Indian tradition enjoins Pranam to the feet. Is this true?
Here is Sri Aurobindo’s answer to your query:
… where she presses her feet course
miraculous streams
of an entrancing Ananda.
All Nature dumbly calls to her alone
To heal with her feet the aching throb of life
fnThese two quotations from Sri Aurobindo’s writings appear on a card sent by the Mother to the disciple. The first extract is from The Mother, SABCL, Vol. 25, p. 31. The second extract is from Savitri, Book Three, Canto TwoBlessings.
Letters on behalf of Others
I do not believe in a change. It is for him a question of nature and temperament and wherever he goes that will necessarily go with him. It is only a change of character obtained by sadhana that can cure him.
You can show him this, with my blessings.
1 June 1962
Sweet Mother,
X has not been happy in his present unhygienic room; it is dark and ill-ventilated. If Mother approves, I would like to shift him to the Guest House managed by 391Y. They are close friends and between them they would manage the Guest House more conveniently.
As you believe it will work well, you can try.
But those who have a grumbling nature generally keep it and are never satisfied… So long as circumstances and others are accused of being the cause of discomfort, one is deep in falsehood. The wise man knows that he is responsible for what happens to him and tries to correct his nature.
9 June 1962
All right, provided it is X’s wish.
October 1962
I never encourage the children’s going during the vacations because it has generally bad results. But when the children themselves ask I say yes provided they are back before the reopening of the school.
October 1962
Let her marry now and take to spiritual life later on; she is not yet ready.
When the call really comes, there is no possible hesitation.
October 1962
If he wants to keep in contact, he must be very careful. Generally, it is not helpful to mix the influences.
October 1962
Sweet Mother,
X is again in tantrums. He says he wants to die, he does not see any possibility of progress as things are with him now. There is no happiness within and he feels he has made a mistake in coming to the Ashram. All told, he is too gloomy and says he may get cracked in the head. Mother alone can do something to revive his spirits.
I have always known him like that—and that is why I was constantly refusing to let him come because he constantly wants to be where he is not.
393But now that he is here, the only possibility for him to progress and cure is to stick here with all his possible will and in spite of all suggestions to go away. Of course I shall help him if he lets me do it; but he must know that it is for him the only way of salvation.
With my blessings.
14 January 1963
Sweet Mother,
I am unable to answer a question by a visitor. He is a young teacher at Cuddalore who has been coming here for the last three or four years. He says that every time he meditates for about half an hour, he feels terribly hungry. During meditation he gets peace, feels happy and all that. But why this hunger? He has tried taking full food before meditation, yet the hunger still appears. Why, Mother?
It is because by the quietness of the meditation he increases the receptivity of the body to the Force. This capacity to receive and absorb may translate, although not necessarily, by a capacity to eat—but it does not mean that food is just then needed.
26 January 1963
[A visitor, deeply moved by his brief stay in the Ashram, had to leave because he was travelling in the company of two companions. The disciple narrated the visitor’s story to the Mother, and concluded, “The whole episode has left me sad.” He also enclosed photos of the persons involved.]
I saw their photos. None of them was ready as yet. But the Force will work and something may come out of it later on.
394Do not be sad—things happen because they have to happen and finally everything leads to the ultimate victory of the Supreme.
With blessings.
January 1963
What is permanent upon earth? X is here since 1921 (42 years) and has never asked to be permanent.
September 1963
Let him choose his doctor, because it is the confidence in the doctor that is most important.
October 1963
Sweet Mother,
Z has been ailing continuously for years now with one thing or other. Usually it is burning in the hands and feet and other nervous disorders. There are two suggestions regarding the “true cause”: (1) Someone must be 395doing black magic. He has a number of ill-wishers. (2) A temple oracle has said that the trouble is due to the displeasure of a spirit inhabiting an old, old tree adjacent to the house.
Mother alone knows what is true. Z prays for Mother’s merciful intervention and protection.
He must first exhaust all physical possibilities, as, for instance, some unhygienic corner in the compound.
And even if it is one of the two occult reasons, why remain subject to them? It is easily dismissed by sincerely calling for help and protection and by discarding all fear.
With blessings.
9 November 1963
No advice can be given, except to be sincere and follow the inner guidance.
I see no legitimation of sexual intercourse (from the point of view of sadhana) unless it is in view to have children.
December 1963
[The disciple asked whether he should cancel preparations for a dinner party at an Ashram guest-house because its manager was overworked.]
To do properly this work one must be strong and plastic and know how to utilise the inexhaustible energy which is backing you all.
396I have nothing more to say. But I expect everybody here to rise to the height of the needs. If we are not able even to do that much, how can we hope to be ready for the descent of the Light of Truth when it will come to manifest upon earth!
15 January 1964
Z offered him a job somewhere but he refused. It is the nature that must change, not the surroundings and the occupation.
This is a kind of attitude in his vital, the depression attitude, which he somewhat cherishes. Unless he allows the Light and the Force to come down in him to clear that, I do not see what can be done.
January 1964
You can tell him that the only way of getting out of trouble is to have faith, a true, sincere, unfaltering faith, and a faith that makes no demands. All the rest is sheer bargaining.
January 1964
397Sweet Mother,
Y sent me word a while ago that he had been feeling quite sick and wanted me to go to him. I went and met him. He says he is quite weak; the hospital doctors are stuffing him with drugs throughout the day and he cannot drag on: he feels too exhausted.
Each of these visits to the hospital drives home to me what a hell life outside is. It dawns on me, with increasing force, what heavenly conditions Mother has created for us here in the Ashram. All habitual grumblers here should be taken compulsorily once a week to visit the hospital!
This is quite true; but the state of grumbling was truly too much in Y’s case, and it is really that which brought him where he is now.
He must still learn to be quiet and to accept things as they come.
I am joining a letter for him that you can give him personally with a word of encouragement.
With love and blessings.
9 February 1964
Sweet Mother,
Z has been working in our office for the last fortnight. She has turned out very good work and I am proud of her efficiency and spirit of dedication. She is shortly leaving for Madras. I would make an earnest prayer to Mother to grant that her life may turn a new corner. Hitherto, in spite of her all-round brilliance, she has had a chequered career with frustration at every step. Pray, Mother, let that cease from now on.
Difficulties are always blessings if we know how to face them.
March 1964
398Let her think of the Divine and not of herself.
March 1964
So many petty things! With goodwill and disinterestedness all these things ought to be settled easily.
April 1964
I know too well the true reason of all these complications and this suffering to give him any advice, because it is only an inner 399and radical change of his character that can put an end to the ordeal. He has had with him and still has a conscious and steady concentration of force which ought to have cured him long ago. But his inner pessimism and dissatisfaction constantly spoil the working.
Let him have a true faith and then everything will be all right.
May 1964
We do not need lecturers! but you can send him to X and see what he says.
July 1964
Sweet Mother,
One householder reader of our Kannada journal has asked the following two questions which I am unable to answer. Would Mother kindly help?
(1) What is to be done to reduce (if not eliminate) the desire for food? (2) What is to be done to reduce (if not eliminate) the desire for sex?
One answer to both: busy yourself with something more interesting—otherwise there are hundreds of ways from the most material to the most spiritual.
August 1964
400What has he done for the Divine’s Work that he asks for help?
September 1964
Generally when children go outside for holidays they come back quite spoilt—but if the girl wants really to go, she can go.
October 1964
I have nothing to do with that kind of thing.
December 1964
Let her purify the outer being, and abolish the ego, by a complete and perfect consecration to the Supreme Divine, and the obstacle will be removed.
401The adverse forces are allowed to act only in order to compel us to make ourselves pure and receptive enough for the descent and the union.
With love and blessings.
30 December 1964
Whatever happens is the effect of the Grace and the best that could happen spiritually.
Love and blessings.
March 1965
Photo A was taken before the ailment; photo B this month. The family prays for Mother’s Grace and Blessings.
Modern medicines are not fit for children.
[On a slip accompanying the photos of the child, the Mother wrote:]
If Nature is given a chance she may repair the damage.
June 1965
The American lady X has become a big problem in the Guest House. She flies at servants, behaves badly at the table and makes herself a complete nuisance. Last night she started typing at 3 A.M. Both managers, Y and Z, find it impossible to continue with her.
It is true, however, that Y made all sorts of promises to her about special arrangements, as he does to everyone in the beginning. What is to be done?
She has written to me and from her letter I understand that she needs one room for herself and one for her luggage, plus place in a refrigerator for some provisions, and she is very particular about her food. If some promises have been made they must be kept. It is a conciliating and understanding spirit that is needed. Any other attitude than that one is, in the Ashram, disgraceful and unworthy of Sri Aurobindo.
30 June 1965
403Sweet Mother,
X is in distress. Last week her old trouble of involuntary going out of the body started again. During a nap of ten minutes in the afternoon she came out of the body, but could not re-enter it. She called the Mother. An enveloping Force of strength and a tickling sensation was felt from her feet to her head and she could re-enter the body. Afterwards there was much tiredness. That night her sleep was disturbed, there was pain in her body and her face had the pallor of death.
The next day during her afternoon nap, she again went out of her body and was hanging over it, but she could not re-enter it. She called Mother, but there was no response. She called again and again and nothing happened. She could not enter the body either through the head or through the feet; the body gave no opening. She thought that death had come and she could never re-enter her body. She got flurried, but somehow composed herself and hovered round and round the body. She flew up and caught sight of the colour picture of the Mother’s Feet hanging on the wall near the ceiling. She went near it and prayed fervently to those Feet. Then she was able to effect an entry into her body through the head, but with great suffering and pain. Her whole body was dead cold and frigid, and it took some time for her to become normal.
She prays for Thy help.
It is through the heart centre (solar plexus) that one must enter the body—the other two (feet and head) are considered as impossible. The entering through the head seems miraculous and no wonder that it was painful.
But the worst of all is to fear. Even if all conditions are normal, fear attracts difficulties.
The only true solution is an unfailing faith in the Divine’s 404Grace. With that faith, sincere and complete, one is always safe.
15 September 1965
The child looks quite happy. They must let her be as she is and not contradict her. When the time has come for her to be as the ordinary human beings, she will be so. All interference would be a spiritual offence.
November 1965
[The disciple wrote about a boy who was subject to frequent minor spasms in the form of jerks of the head.]
This boy is ultra-sensitive and has good possibilities in him. But he needs to be treated with much patience and especially a perfect quiet and calm. The slightest impatience, roughness or irritation will upset him completely, any brusque movement can give him an attack. I insist on this because if the parents sincerely want him to cure they must be very gentle with him.
November 1965
If he keeps his mind quiet and his heart peaceful he will cope with the situation.
December 1965
Y has been told by astrologers that the next three years are very bad for him. His immediate superior in his office is thinking of leaving the company and consequently his position may not continue to be as secure as now. His sub-tenant has gone and he finds it difficult to maintain the flat which he got by Grace.
He prays for Mother’s Blessings.
He must face the difficulty with faith and confidence; and everything will end well.
March 1966
Sweet Mother,
Someone is reported to have done black magic against Z. A lemon was found placed on a pillar. They are all falling sick at the house and there is a very disturbed atmosphere.
Let them burn incense on the same pillar—invoking Sri Aurobindo’s name.
19 March 1966
X was having tooth-ache continuously for some time. One day, recently, her husband told her: Why not try 406what Mother has written in the Bulletin? Go out of the body and concentrate on the trouble-spot. And she did. The pain disappeared. But what followed is interesting. She had no pain during the day, but in sleep she began to have intense pain in the tooth.
Why did the pain come in sleep alone?
Because her consciousness went elsewhere and she was no more concentrated on her body.
March 1966
Yesterday Mother saw the boy in Y’s family. Y prays to Mother to guide the medical treatment of his son. He will implicitly do what Mother says.
If the parents could stop being anxious and somewhat nervous in their relation with the boy, it would very much help towards his recovery.
July 1966
Each one must be free to decide about his or her own life.
April 1967
407[The disciple wrote on behalf of a devotee who feared that his business partner had hired a black magician to harm him.]
For him who trusts the Divine there is no fear.
January 1968