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(July?) 1958

Why, and through what mechanism, does mental formulation dissipate an experience, cause it to lose the major part of its power for action on the consciousness?

If, for example, you want to get rid of a wrong movement and, as the result of a grace, the force is sent out for this purpose, this force begins to act on the consciousness. Then, if you draw it towards you, so to speak, in order to formulate it, naturally you decentralise it, disperse and dissipate it.

But this is not all: the simple fact of speaking to another person opens you automatically to whatever may come from him; an interchange always occurs. In this way his curiosity, his obscurity, his good-will and also at times his ill-will intervenes, modifies, deforms.

On the other hand, if you want to speak of your experience to your Guru and he agrees to listen to you, it means that he adds his force, his knowledge and his experience to the working of the force and he helps to bring about the result.

But doesn't the harm caused by the formulation still exist?

Yes, but he repairs it.