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The Body (the Physical)

Physical centre: occupied mainly with material things, it likes to have an ordered life.


Divine Mother,

I want to realise Your Presence in all the parts of my being, penetrating even the body—only I don’t know how to do it. You are the very reason of my being; why then do I live now without feeling Your Presence even in the cells of my body?

The physical nature is obscure and recalcitrant everywhere; it is very difficult for it to become conscious of the divine Presence.

That is why we must be patient and keep on aspiring with the certitude of Victory.

My blessings are always with you.

25 June 1935


Each victory we win over the obscure physical Nature is the promise of a greater one to come.


In the physical the joy of being is the best expression of gratitude towards the Divine.

16 June 1941


The Divine is present in the very atoms of our body.

22 May 1954



The physical being itself can be the seat of perfect existence, knowledge and bliss.

29 May 1954


For the body, to know means to be able to do. In fact the body knows only what it can do.

23 June 1954


Peace in the physical: to want what God wills is its best condition.


Peace in the cells: the indispensable condition for the body’s progress.


Light in the cells: the first step towards purity in the cells.


Purity in the cells cannot be obtained except through conquest of desires; it is the true condition for good health.


May I not expect a line with regard to the unprecedented nature of the resistance in the body I experienced the other night?

It is the resistance of the mentalised substance in the cells of the body and can be overcome only by an integral and total conversion.


16 June 1961


Can the very physical cells of one’s body have more aspiration than the rest of the being?

It is quite possible as the “sadhana” is done now in the body itself.

January 1966


The inner progress has been sufficiently rapid for the exterior being to find it difficult to follow. Now the body must learn to receive the Divine Force and to keep it.


Transparency in the physical: the physical prepares itself for transformation.


Ananda in the physical: may it be welcome, even if it manifests itself rarely.


Ananda in the physical body: purified of all desire and all repulsion, in a perfect equality and surrender, the physical body is ready to enjoy the divine Ananda.


Ananda in the centres: this will be one of the good results of the conversion of the physical.



Integral even basis in the material: when all your material movements are organised, harmonised and co-ordinated and when all things find themselves in you in their respective places and your entire material basis is thus prepared and becomes ready to receive the Light and the Power.


The material consciousness has a firm and solid steadfastness.