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What is liberty?

Liberty is to depend only on the Divine.

28 March 1932


If you have a strong and conscious will and your will is centred around the psychic then you can have a taste of liberty, otherwise you are the slave of all the outside influences.

24 August 1955


Freedom does not come from outer circumstances but from inner liberation.

Find your soul, unite with it, let it govern your life and you will be free.


31 August 1966


Freedom is to do only what the Supreme Consciousness makes us do.

In every other case one is a slave, whether of the will of others, or of conventions, or of moral laws, or of vital impulses, or of mental fancies, or, above all, of the desires of the ego.

21 September 1969


Freedom is far from meaning disorder and confusion. It is the inner liberty that we must have, and if you have it nobody can take it away from you.




The only true liberty is that obtained by union with the Divine.

One can unite with the Divine only when the ego is mastered.

26 July 1971


Liberation: the disappearance of the ego.