Openness is the will to receive and to utilise for progress the force and influence; the constant aspiration to remain in touch with the Consciousness; the faith that the force and consciousness are always with you, around you, inside you and that you have only to let nothing stand in the way of your receiving them.
Opening is a release of the consciousness by which it begins to admit into itself the workings of the Divine Light and Power.
Open to the consciousness which is working on and in you and keep always as quiet and peaceful as you can.
Open yourself more and more to the Consciousness and you will receive inspiration.
9 May 1934
The opening to the Divine Light cannot be made through coercion.
12 June 1939
145“To open more to love and to the light.” This is exactly the answer I send to your last letter. Rise higher in the consciousness, love more widely, open to the light—and all divergences will disappear. You must be as vast and comprehensive as the world to do the Yoga.
2 August 1962
If you open yourself to the Force and the Help, there will be no strain.
14 December 1963
Opening: the help is constant in all the domains. It is for us to know how to benefit from it.
Integral opening of the being towards the Divine: the first step of the ascent.
Widen yourself to the extreme limit of the universe… and beyond.
Always take upon yourself all the necessities of progress, and resolve them in the ecstasy of Unity. Then you will be divine.
13 November 1957
To widen and open as vastly as one can is more effective than to bring down and to try to push the force into the narrowness of the small human being.
7 December 1964
Plasticity: always ready for the progress demanded.
Receptivity is the capacity of admitting and retaining the Divine Workings.
Receptivity: conscious of the Divine Will and surrendered to it.
Integral receptivity: the whole being is aware of the Divine Will and obeys it.
Psychic receptivity: the psychic responds joyously to the ascending force.
Mental receptivity: always ready to learn.
Emotional receptivity: emotions wanting to be divinised.
Vital receptivity happens only when the vital understands that it must be transformed.
The vital blossoms in aspiration for the Divine.
147Physical receptivity: that which one should not have except towards the Divine.
Supramentalised receptivity: the receptivity of tomorrow.
It is with the widening of the consciousness and the one-pointedness of the aspiration that the receptivity increases.
22 December 1934
By revolt the doors of receptivity are closed.
In order to be filled anew the vessel must get empty sometimes.
It is when we are preparing for greater receptivities that we feel empty.
Be receptive—it is there.
Love and blessings.
Try to be satisfied with what you receive—for it is a matter of receptivity, because—you can believe me—I give always much more than what the people are capable of receiving—and in two or three minutes they could have quite enough to go for a whole month. But the mind interferes with its ignorant demands and the whole thing is spoiled.
29 January 1964
148My love is always with you; if then you do not feel it, it is because you are not capable of receiving it. It is your receptivity that is lacking and should be increased; for this you must open yourself, and one opens oneself only if one gives oneself. Surely you are trying more or less consciously to draw the forces and the divine love towards you. The method is bad. Give yourself without calculating and without expecting anything in return, and then you will become capable of receiving.
When we feel the urge to give and the joy of giving to the Divine’s work, then we can be sure that we have become receptive.
12 July 1965
To be receptive
To be receptive is to feel the urge to give and the joy of giving to the Divine’s Work all one has, all one is, all one does.