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The Divine Is with You

Never forget that you are not alone. The Divine is with you helping and guiding you. He is the companion who never fails, the friend whose love comforts and strengthens. Have faith and He will do everything for you.


Never forget that you are not alone. The Divine is with you helping and guiding you. He is the companion who never fails, the friend whose love comforts and strengthens. The more you feel lonely, the more you are ready to perceive His luminous Presence. Have faith and He will do everything for you.

27 September 1951



It is in the Divine that we shall always find all that we need.

17 April 1954


Alone the Divine can give us a perfect safety.

18 April 1954


Let the Divine Consciousness be the leading power in your life.

22 April 1954


Let the Divine Presence be always with you.

27 April 1954


Whatever you do, always remember the Divine.

5 May 1954


The Divine manifests upon earth whenever and wherever it is possible.

10 June 1954


In each heart, the Divine’s Presence is the promise of future and possible perfections.

16 June 1954


It is only in the Divine that we can find perfect peace and total satisfaction.

5 July 1954



Behind the surface of things there is a sea of perfect consciousness in which we can always dip.

7 August 1954


There is a consciousness that nothing can debase or tarnish or defile; it is the one that we call the Divine Consciousness.


The Divine Consciousness must be our only guide.

11 August 1954


The Divine Consciousness is the only true help, the only true happiness.

12 August 1954


The Lord has said, “The time has come” and all the obstacles will be overcome.

9 September 1954


The Divine is the savour of all life and the reason of all activity, the goal of our thoughts.

10 September 1954


The Divine’s Presence is for us an absolute, immutable, invariable fact.

12 September 1954


In the Divine, by the Divine all is transfigured and glorified; in the Divine is found the key of all mysteries and all powers.

14 September 1954



In all there lacks the unchanging peace of the Divine’s sovereign contemplation, and the calm vision of the Divine’s immutable eternity.

22 September 1954


In the Divine’s light we shall see, in the Divine’s knowledge we shall know, in the Divine’s will we shall realise.

1 October 1954


Outside the Divine all is falsehood and illusion, all is mournful obscurity. In the Divine is life, light and joy. In the Divine is the sovereign peace.

2 October 1954


All our strength is with the Divine. With Him we can surmount all the obstacles.

4 October 1954


The Divine’s voice is heard as a melodious chant in the stillness of the night.

7 October 1954


The Divine’s triumph is so perfect that every obstacle, every ill-will, every hatred rising against Him is a promise of a vaster and still completer victory.

9 October 1954


For the plenitude of His light we invoke the Divine to awaken in us the power to express Him.

10 November 1954



The Divine’s words comfort and bless, soothe and illumine, and the Divine’s generous hand lifts a fold of the veil which hides the infinite knowledge.

18 November 1954


How calm, noble and pure is the splendour of the Divine’s contemplation.

19 November 1954


To live in the Divine with a life quite new, a life solely made of the Divine, of which the Divine should be the sovereign Lord—and so all troubles will be transformed into serenity, all anguish into peace.

23 November 1954


We feel the Divine so living in us that we await events with serenity, knowing that His way is everywhere since we carry it in our being.

24 November 1954


The Divine’s glory transforms defeats into eternity’s victories, shadows have fled before His radiant brightness.

9 December 1954


The Divine’s Presence gives us peace in strength, serenity in action and an unchanging happiness in the midst of all circumstances.

13 December 1954



The Divine is the unalloyed happiness, the blissful felicity, but this felicity is perfect only when it is integral.

22 December 1954


The Divine is the sure friend who never fails, the Power, the Support, the Guide. The Divine is the Light which scatters darkness, the conqueror who assures the victory.

23 December 1954


The Divine alone is the support that never fails.


The only response that never fails is the Divine’s.

The only love that never fails is the Divine’s.

Love the Divine alone and the Divine will always be with you.

6 August 1963


The opinion of the Supreme Lord alone has importance.

The Supreme Lord alone deserves all our love and He returns it to us a hundredfold.

11 February 1970


Take the Divine alone into your soul’s confidence.


Think of the Divine alone and the Divine will be with you.


A single occupation, a single aim, a single joy—the Divine.



Concentration upon oneself means decay and death. Concentration on the Divine alone brings life and growth and realisation.


Without the Divine life is a painful illusion, with the Divine all is bliss.


The ideal attitude is to belong only to the Divine, to work only for the Divine and above all to expect only from the Divine strength, peace and satisfaction. The Divine is all-merciful and gives us all that we need to lead us as quickly as possible to the goal.


It is the Divine Presence that gives value to life. This Presence is the source of all peace, all joy, all security. Find this Presence in yourself and all your difficulties will disappear.


Day and night constantly the Presence is there.

It is enough to turn silently inward and we detect it.


Remember always the Divine and all you do will be an expression of the Divine Presence.


In activity and in silence, in taking and in giving, always the glad remembrance of Thee.


All our thoughts, all our sentiments will move towards the Divine as a river towards the sea.



Let all thoughts, all feelings, all actions, all hopes be turned towards the Divine and concentrated on Him. He is our only help and our only safety.


Yes, my child, it is quite true that the Divine is the sole refuge—with Him is absolute safety.