The sentence can be understood in four different ways on four ascending planes of consciousness:
1. Physically, the consequence of the birth will be of eternal importance to the world.
2. Mentally, it is a birth that will be eternally remembered in the universal history.
3. Psychically, a birth that recurs for ever from age to age upon earth.
4. Spiritually, the birth of the Eternal upon earth.
Since the beginning of earth history, Sri Aurobindo has always presided over the great earthly transformations, under one form or another, one name or another.
You can say that all through history Sri Aurobindo played an active part. Especially in the most important movements of history he was there—and playing the most important, the leading part. But he was not always visible.
23 January 1960
11Sri Aurobindo is constantly among us and reveals himself to those who are ready to see and hear him.
12Sri Aurobindo, immense and very concrete (in the subtle physical), was sitting over the whole compound during the meditation.
28 August 1962
Last night, we (you and I and some others) were together for quite a long time in the permanent dwelling-place of Sri Aurobindo which exists in the subtle physical (what Sri Aurobindo called the true physical).
1 February 1963
Sri Aurobindo is in the subtle physical, you can meet him when you sleep, if you know how to go there.
13 August 1964
[During sleep a sadhak had a vision of Sri Aurobindo in his subtle physical body living in the subtle physical world. He sent a report of his vision to Mother, who replied:]
Sri Aurobindo shows himself according to the need of each one and in the subtle physical the things are not as fixed as they are here.
Attach more importance to the feeling produced by the vision than to details of what you have seen.
On the contrary, it is quite correct, he has never been so alive as now!
5 December 1967
Sri Aurobindo is constantly in the subtle physical, very active there. I see him almost daily, and last night I spent many hours with him.
If you become conscious in the subtle physical you will surely meet him, it is what he called the true physical—it has nothing to do with the psychic.
21 December 1969
The help of Sri Aurobindo is constant: it is for us to know how to receive it.
Sri Aurobindo is always with us, enlightening, guiding, protecting. We must answer to his grace by a perfect faithfulness.