Sri Aurobindo Ashram Department of Physical Education
Founded in May 1945, the Sri Aurobindo Ashram Department of Physical Education
organises the physical education programme for the students and teachers of the
Centre of Education and for the members of the Ashram. Its activities are
coordinated and supervised by a group of instructors called captains, who give
training in athletics (track and field events), aquatics, gymnastics, games,
combative sports and asanas. The yearly schedule is divided into four seasons:
during the first three, there is a period of training followed by competitions;
at the end of the year, participants prepare an annual demonstration of physical
culture which is presented on December 2nd at the Ashram sportsground.
Facilities of the department include a library, gymnasium, playground,
sportsground, swimming pool, judo hall and tennis courts.
The Mother took active interest in the development of the Physical Education
Department and helped to shape its programme. For years she spent her late
afternoon and evening hours with those who took part in the various physical
Founded in May 1945, the Sri Aurobindo Ashram Department of Physical Education organises the physical education programme for the students and teachers of the Centre of Education and for the members of the Ashram. Its activities are coordinated and supervised by a group of instructors called captains, who give training in athletics (track and field events), aquatics, gymnastics, games, combative sports and asanas. The yearly schedule is divided into four seasons: during the first three, there is a period of training followed by competitions; at the end of the year, participants prepare an annual demonstration of physical culture which is presented on December 2nd at the Ashram sportsground. Facilities of the department include a library, gymnasium, playground, sportsground, swimming pool, judo hall and tennis courts.
The Mother took active interest in the development of the Physical Education Department and helped to shape its programme. For years she spent her late afternoon and evening hours with those who took part in the various physical activities.