As for me, I don’t understand anything about all these matters. For me they are… What does A have to say about this?
Just tell me: what impression do you have? I have the feeling that a spirit of confusion has entered into the school and is making a… They mean the same thing and they use different terms, and so the terms clash. I know that they have a very similar aspiration, but each one speaks his own language and so the languages are not in harmony and they argue about nothing. There, I think that the best thing to do would be for each one to remain quiet for a while. Tell me your solution.
I too, with the people who are… who are with me, I never used to have any difficulty, and now it is as if we were speaking in a different language.
Yes, they lay stress on that. But for me, it has a strange effect: it makes me feel as if I am ill. There is nothing wrong with me. I am well and that gives me the feeling of being ill, all the time.
Yes, in truth it is the transition from the ordinary mental 446consciousness to the supramental consciousness. The mental consciousness is panic-stricken in the presence of the supramental consciousness. I have the feeling—I shall tell you, this is how it comes to me—that at every moment one could die, the vibration is so different. And so it is only when I am very still… the being, the consciousness… the old consciousness—which is not the mental consciousness at all, but still—the old consciousness goes on repeating its mantra. There is a mantra… it goes on repeating its mantra. And so that is like a background, like a point of contact.… It is strange.… And then beyond that, there is something which is full of light and force, but which is so new that it causes almost a panic. So, you understand, if the same thing… I who am… I have a long experience, eh? So if it causes that in me, if something like that occurs in the others, I have the feeling that we shall all go mad! There, that will do.
Does this correspond to something?
So I think that we should keep very quiet so as not to lose the…
Yes, yes, but our language… I was about to tell you, “It’s a good idea,” but I caught hold of myself by the ear just as I was saying 447it to myself. It is not an idea, you understand, it is our language which has the… it is like a bell-jar covering it up, a mental bell-jar which it does not want to get rid of. Really, it is a difficult time. I think that we ought to be very quiet, very quiet, very quiet. I am going to tell you my old mantra; it keeps the outer being very quiet:
These three words. For me they meant:
OM—I implore the Supreme Lord.
NAMO—Obeisance to Him.
BHAGAVATE—Make me divine.
This is a translation of it, I mean… Did you hear?
For me that has the power to calm everything.