Significance of the Symbol of the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education
One of the most recent forms under which Sri Aurobindo conceived of the development of his work was to establish at Pondicherry an International University Centre open to students from all over the world.
It is considered that the most fitting memorial to his name would be to found this University now so as to give concrete expression to the fact that his work continues with unabated vigour.
112Inaugural Message for the Sri Aurobindo Memorial Convention
Sri Aurobindo is present in our midst, and with all the power of his creative genius he presides over the formation of the University Centre which for years he considered as one of the best means of preparing the future humanity to receive the supramental light that will transform the élite of today into a new race manifesting upon earth the new light and force and life.
In his name I open today this convention meeting here with the purpose of realising one of his most cherished ideals.
24 April 1951
Students’ PrayerfnGiven at the inauguration of the Sri Aurobindo International University Centre.
Make of us the hero warriors we aspire to become. May we fight successfully the great battle of the future that is to be born, against the past that seeks to endure; so that the new things may manifest and we may be ready to receive them.
6 January 1952
I am perfectly sure, I am quite confident, there is not the slightest doubt in my mind, that this University, which is being established here, will be the greatest seat of knowledge upon earth.
It may take fifty years, it may take a hundred years, and you may doubt about my being there; I may be there or not, but these children of mine will be there to carry out my work.
And those who collaborate in this divine work today will have the joy and pride of having participated in such an exceptional achievement.
28 May 1953
113We are not here to do (only a little better) what the others do.
We are here to do what the others cannot do because they do not have the idea that it can be done.
We are here to open the way of the Future to children who belong to the Future.
Anything else is not worth the trouble and not worthy of Sri Aurobindo’s help.
6 September 1961
Messages for the Annual Re-opening of Classes
Another year has passed, leaving behind it its burden of lessons, some hard, some even painful.
Now, a new year begins, bringing possibilities of progress and of realisation. But to take full advantage of these possibilities, we must understand the previous lessons.
It is more important to know that all accidents are the effect of unconsciousness. However, externally, one of their chief causes is a spirit of indiscipline, a kind of contempt for discipline.
It is left to us to prove, by a sustained and disciplined effort, that we are sincere in our aspiration for a life more conscious and more true.
16 December 1966
Let the Truth be your master and your guide.
We aspire for the Truth and its triumph in our being and our activities.
Let the aspiration for the Truth be the dynamism of our efforts.
O Truth! We want to be guided by Thee. May Thy reign come upon earth.
16 December 1967
114When one lives in the truth, one is above all contradictions.
16 December 1968
You must have lived what you want to teach.
To speak of the new consciousness, let it penetrate you and reveal to you its secrets. For only then can you speak with any competence.
To rise into the new consciousness, the first condition is to have enough modesty of mind to be convinced that all that you think you know is nothing in comparison to what yet remains to be learnt.
All that you have learnt outwardly must be just a step allowing you to rise towards a higher knowledge.
16 December 1969
It is only in the calm that one can know and do. All that is done in agitation and violence is an aberration and a folly. The first sign of the divine presence in the being is peace.
We are here to do better than elsewhere and to prepare ourselves for a supramental future. This should never be forgotten. I appeal to the sincere goodwill of all so that our ideal may be realised.
16 December 1971
Messages to The Mother’s International School, Delhi
A new Light has appeared upon earth. Let this new School opened today be guided by it.
23 April 1956
115Teach us to be really sincere in our effort towards the Truth.
23 April 1957
Let yesterday’s realisation be a springboard for tomorrow’s achievement.
23 April 1958
Let us prepare ourselves for the new life that is manifesting upon earth.
23 April 1959
The best students are those who want to know, not those who want to show.
23 April 1966
The Mother’s School. Sincerity.
23 April 1967
The measure of the sincerity is the measure of the success.
23 April 1968
The Future is full of promise. Prepare yourself for it.
23 April 1969
Message for the Inauguration of Sri Mirambika High School, Ahmedabad
Faith and Sincerity are the twin agents of success.
14 June 1966