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Prudence and Balance

Vigilance: indispensable for all true progress.


In each human being there is a beast crouching ready to manifest at the slightest unwatchfulness. The only remedy is a constant vigilance.

18 August 1954


Prudence: very useful for weakness because weakness needs prudence; strength does not need it.


Common sense: it is very practical and avoids any mistakes, but it lacks light.


Sobriety has never done harm to anyone.

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Equanimity: immutable peace and calm.


In the deep peace of equanimity the love will grow to its full blossoming in a sense of pure and constant unity.

5 October 1934



The loss of money is of small importance, but the loss of equipoise is a much more important thing.

20 August 1935


All mischief comes from a lack of balance.

So, let us keep our balance carefully, always, in all circumstances.

10 August 1954


Perfect balance: one of the most important conditions of a growing peace.