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Messages for the Annual
Demonstration of Physical Culture

Demonstration 1960

Bravo! To all those who participated in yesterday’s performance!fnA rehearsal of the demonstration. It was excellent. My congratulations to everybody. Everything was well planned and well executed.

With love and blessings to all.

November 1960


Demonstration 1963

Yesterday I was with you all the time, with all the force and all the consciousness to help you and uphold you, I knew that the rain was a test which had to be overcome.

You have done it victoriously and I am very happy about it. Let everyone know of my entire satisfaction.

With my blessings.

3 December 1963


Demonstration 1964

My blessings for all those who will take part in the demonstration so that they may be at the summit of their capacities.

2 December 1964



Demonstration 1966

Be courageous, enduring, vigilant; above all, be sincere, with perfect honesty.

Then you will be able to face all difficulties. And victory will be yours.

2 December 1966


Demonstration 1967

The prayer of the cells in the body

Now that, by the effect of the Grace, we are slowly emerging out of inconscience and waking to a conscious life, an ardent prayer rises in us for more light, more consciousness,

“O Supreme Lord of the universe, we implore Thee, give us the strength and the beauty, the harmonious perfection needed to be Thy divine instruments upon earth.”

2 December 1967